Two Sides Of The Same Coin?

It is a pity that so many governments are heavily indebted. As such, supporting innovation may first and foremost be a matter of relieving public finances by—brace yourselves, baby-boomers—raising the retirement age. Somehow, the Western world has, with good intentions, locked itself into the expectation that it is perfectly acceptable—yes, normal—to enjoy the last 15-20 years of life on an extended holiday with full benefits. As a result, too much economic activity has been diverted to consumption, too little to investment; too much to the present, too little to the future.

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“Why the humanities matter”

Here’s an excerpt of an interview first published in The Straits Times dated May 20 with practice Associate Professor Ian Macduff, 61. He teaches negotiation, conflict resolution, and ethics and social responsibility at the Singapore Management University (SMU).

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