The Eternal Artist


Lightning streaked across
the canvass of falling rain
a mast’piece indeed

16 thoughts on “The Eternal Artist

  1. melancholic – One believes that your identity belongs to a certain ethanolic of blogspot. Stumbled across his tomes I have through the powers of technorati. Do not worry, the entry will be deleted asap.

    Yuhui – Secret admirer ya right haha.

    Elvina – Having a good laugh at my expense eh? Haha, thanks for voting. Appreciate it ^^

  2. Hello little elf,

    Then your area must be pretty beautiful then heh.

    Sad to say, I am behind the leader by 20 votes or so. One gets so lazy to canvass for votes sometimes.

  3. Yes, my area is beautiful. Cept the storm we had divided my tree in half and limbs everywere.. (sad face) Then my neighbor was running down the street chasing his screen door.

    Well you asked haha.

    YIKES.. Sorry to hear that. You have lots of links here go do your thing.. Now, now, come on..

  4. One’s sad to hear that damage has been done but the image of your neighbour must have been a hilarious one haha. It’s good that no one was hurt, no?

    I do not have as many links as you Shy. You are a more popular read than I am haha. And I mean that!

  5. Ah yes, Sherlock…I see you’ve done a fair bit of sleuthing 😉

    Yes, you are pretty much on target. I have seen your meanderings in my tomes before. And yes, work is still and will be going on to my other tomb.

    Graduating from this godforsaken place in 2 mths time.

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