
It has been a long time. A long time since he had cast his glance on the early skies of the morn. The early darkish purple coupled with the cool night air. The gentle night on the cusp of day. His head felt like lead, laden with thoughts that shouldn’t be there. Speaking of it, his whole body felt numb.

It was a chore to move even a finger.

He just felt like lying there on the grass patch. Staring up into the starry heavens above. Looking right into their very depths. Those incomprehensible depths. What was going on up there, he wondered. And for that matter, what did it even look like?

Those twinkling stars…to be wiped off from the face of the sky once the harsh sun rises. He was trying to enjoy them while there was still time. While it was still on his side. Though they only vanish from the sight in the day, who knows whether ALL of them would still be around the next night. There might be one less among them.

But who would even bother to care? Much less count…

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